USAID defunds UN population control group that supported coerced abortion, sterilization in China
President Donald Trump’s administration recently defunded the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), the group responsible for ushering in China’s notorious “one-child policy” in the 1970s.
CatholicVote Director of Government Affairs Tom McClusky supported legislation defunding UNFPA. He celebrated the change, which came on Feb. 26.
“UNFPA was the largest benefactor of the grift occurring at USAID, with hundreds of millions going to bolster groups promoting abortion in countries that did not want it,” McClusky stated March 14. “America needs to stop being a country that promotes the death of children overseas, to do that we need to defund UNFPA.”
UNFPA’s website states that it does not fund or perform abortions; however, it also does not “conceal information about abortions.” They state that “in countries where abortion is legal, national health systems must make safe abortion care accessible to the full extent of the law.”
They also state that one of the “facts” regarding abortion is that “Women who are turned away from a desired abortion are more likely to experience long-term consequences like poverty and are less able to extricate from violent relationships — hardships that take a toll across generations.”
The organization promotes and distributes birth control to women in third-world countries.