
3 Essentials for Rebuilding a Pro-Life Culture

In the last few years, I’ve published several books that often seem contrary to each other. On the one hand are The Anti-Mary Exposed and The End of Woman, which hit the toxic femininity that saturates our culture; on the other hand are the Theology of Home books, which consider the meaning of home and its connection to family and faith.

One colleague, noticing the contrast in these books, commented that “it seems like there are two Carries.” Another said, “It’s like you’re both Mary and Martha, trapped in the same body.” The reality is that these books are much more integrated than first meets the eye.

The effort behind The Anti-Mary Exposed and The End of Woman was to get to the root of the problems in today’s culture, not only abortion but also the panoply of maladies that plague women. While getting to the source of these issues, specific ways of healing or moving on from these problems became clear. It can be likened to going to the doctor: We don’t go just to find out the ailment, but a remedy is also expected. My books, then, are both diagnosis and remedy.

As a result, here are three specific ways to combat feminism’s corrosive ideology driving the cult-like belief in abortion that underpins the culture of death. All of these are directed mainly at women because, as Archbishop Fulton Sheen said, “woman is the measure of the level of our civilization,” meaning that if women are base, then the culture is base. If women are striving for sanctity, the good, the true and the beautiful, then the culture will also reflect that. If we can get the women, then we get everyone. Satan has known this since the Garden.

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